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3-Day: Love in the Air

You could certainly feel the love in 3-Day this week. Having Valentine’s Day this week was a wonderful opportunity for us to talk all about our feelings. We read lots and lots of stories about feelings and sang our hearts out all week. As we explored our feelings, we introduced the “3-Day Feelings Wheel”. The children took turns pointing an arrow towards a picture interpreting their moods. Most children were able to articulate their feelings and what was making them feel this way. You may have heard some chatter about it at home. Caroline encouraged children to say “it makes me feel _________ when __________.” Our goal of this expression is to get children thinking about the WHY and the HOW. We were so proud of them.

A few highlights of our week were:

  • Valentine's Sink and Float experiment at the discovery table

  • SLEDDING on the Bowen Hill!

  • Using tiny eye droppers to drip watercolor onto paper towels and coffee filters

  • Color heart sorting

  • Making our own Valentines

  • One-to-one correspondence

  • Stringing beads to make Valentine bracelets

On Friday, we asked each child individually what makes them feel loved.

Here are their responses:

Ariyan: “I feel loved when I get hugs from YOU!” (awhhhhhh!!!)

Blake: “I feel loved when my mom AND dad drop me off at school.”

Cecilia: “I feel loved when I wear these Elsa shoes at dress up!”

Charlotte: “I feel loved when I make things at school.”

Eli: “I feel loved when my mom comes to Special Visitor Day.”

George: “I feel loved when my mom goes to my basketball.”

Liam: “I feel loved when mommy picks me up at school.”

Luke: “I feel loved when I feel my heart.”

Mae: “I feel loved when mommy lets me watch a show.”

Reid: “I feel loved when I’m with Budsy.”

Rocco “I feel loved when I’m with Daddy.”

Sam: “I feel loved when my mom tucks me in at night.”

Scarlet: “I feel loved when I get kisses.”

Sloane: “I feel loved when my mommy makes dinner.”

Stella: “I feel loved when Mommy and Daddy come home!”

Caroline and I loved seeing so many of you for Creative Movement. We hope you all have a wonderful vacation week off to spend time with family and friends. We look forward to seeing you on March 25th.

For those participating in lunch bunch, we recommend you start talking to your children about it as they get ready to come back to school. 3-day is all about routines and this extra hour will be a change to what your child knows. It’s exciting to decide what’s for lunch and spending some extra time at school with friends. it begins March 27th. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Karen and Caroline

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