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3-Day: Sunshine and Fresh Air!

It was wonderful to FINALLY be able to enjoy spring! We had a terrific week in 3-Day. We started the week with an outdoor classroom. The children were so excited to greet us at the playground for drop-off. We had many classroom activities set up outside with a bonus of the fresh air, swings and the playground structure to enjoy! We set our butterflies free and waved as each one flew away! It was really special for the children. We told them they may see their butterflies, flying around town at any time!

On Monday, we celebrated three of the six summer birthdays in 3-Day. We had cupcakes, candles and sang three birthday songs for Sloane, Charlotte and Rocco! We used watercolor to spray a huge white paper canvas, shaving cream on our outdoor easel, and set up some fine motor activities at the table. Priscilla came up to the playground for her last story time of the year and the children did a wonderful job listening to her stories. We presented her with some beautiful tulips to thank her for her time with us.

On Wednesday, we made finger-paint silhouettes of the very important first letter of our names. Most children were able to easily identify their letter and did a great job smearing the colorful paint all over their papers. At snack time, we unveiled the letter underneath all that paint and they are now on display outside our classroom.

Steve came to sing with us and was given the most amazing display of affection as he said goodbye to the children! They really enjoy his storytelling and singing. He does such a great job connecting our curriculum to the songs and stories he composes.

Wednesday was so beautiful; we were able to have lunch bunch outside. We set up picnic blankets on the hill and enjoyed our special time together.

On Friday, we had a very special field trip to 5-Day! After our morning meeting, before playtime, we walked down the hall and joined 5-Day during their free-play time. We got to ask some questions and gave 5-Day some compliments about their classroom. Although not all of us are going to 5-Day, we are all making a big transition, so it was meaningful for everyone. I wish you could've seen their reactions when they found out that Caroline was going to be their other 5-Day teacher, working in a co-taught model with Cathy! They were so excited!

We had Creative Movement with Coach John outside and played grass hockey with balls. The children (and we) enjoyed the warm temperatures and sunshine as we played outside. The best part was having some extra playground time afterwards to celebrate the next three summer birthdays! Stella, George and Blake blew out candles and enjoyed being sung to in honor of their upcoming special days!

It was one of our favorite weeks in 3-Day. We are really, really going to miss this bunch!

Caroline and I hope all of you have a fantastic Memorial Day weekend with family and friends. Let's wish the Backes family good luck as Daddy David embarks on the first game of the Stanley Cup Finals on Monday! GO BRUINS!!!!

Weather permitting, we are looking forward to seeing you Wednesday at Karen's, 45 Adella Avenue in Newton from 9:30 - 11. Please bring a blanket, a small snack and a ride-on toy for your child. Watermelon and juice will be served. Siblings are welcome and If you are unable to join us, drop off and pick up is fine.

Karen and Caroline