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Director's Column: We're Gonna Dance Until We Drop!

The family bios are up on our webpage, and it's so interesting to read through them and get to know you all a bit better! We come from many places, including California, Colorado, Minnesota, South Dakota, Illinois, North Carolina, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York City, and even the United Kingdom and India. We are in good hands, with a neuroscientist, colorectal surgeon, cardiologist, urologist, pathologist, urologic oncologist, pediatrician, psychotherapist, primary care doctor, radiologist, and a few pediatric dentists in our community. We also have the owner of a Crossfit Gym, so we have no excuse not to be in good health! In our spare time (what little there might be!), we don't sit around. We love birding, skiing, cooking, camping, fishing, performance driving, writing music, writing short fiction, playing the flute and piccolo, traveling, having impromptu living room dance parties, assembling IKEA furniture, and COFFEE.

Our Fall Fête Speakeasy fundraiser is just a month away and another opportunity to showcase a special talent. If there is something you would like to contribute to the auction, like a cooking party, cookie of the month delivery, or a knitting lesson, contact Stephanie Andersen. If you'd like to contribute food or entertainment to the night's festivities, contact Megan Rubens. It's shaping up to be a great evening, so, break out your three-piece suits, feathers, pearls, and fringe; we're gonna dance until we drop! Best, Nina

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