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First Days of Three Day!

We did it! Caroline and I were thrilled to begin our first week of school with your children. Although we had a few tears at drop off, all of your children were engaged, happy and playing so nicely in their new classroom. We were super impressed with the circle time behaviors we observed! Lots of eyes on us and good listening ears!

We started our year reading The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. Each of your children allowed us to slather paint all over their tiny hands to make a special handprint keepsake for their first day of preschool. Keep it safe, because those hands will just keep growing and growing!

On Monday we welcomed our entire group. Children played with yellow rice in the discovery table. We mushed, rolled and pressed freshly made yellow playdoh and completed a balloon collage activity based on Mae’s favorite book called, Emily’s Balloon.

On Friday we read Stella’s favorite story called, If You Give A Moose A Muffin. Her mom and dad brought us yummy, yummy muffins for our snack. As we begin to share your children's favorite stories, Caroline and I strive to make literacy connections through our classroom activities. We may sing a special song, add something special to the discovery table, complete an art activity, etc. This allows children to immerse themselves deeper into the story in hopes of creating a love for reading that will continue to grow!

We worked with DOT markers at the art table decorating our new name tags for specialist time. We will wear them to Music and Creative Movement or when we have special enrichment visitors to Bowen.

Today 3-Day met Coach Brian for the first time. The weather cooperated and we had so much fun running, jumping, dancing and playing outside on the Bowen hill during Creative Movement. The children especially loved the hula hoops!

We are greatly looking forward to next week when our 3-Day schedule officially begins. It's still not easy after Monday when your child is asking why he or she can't go to school on Tuesday, but at least it's a little more consistent! Tuesdays and Thursdays are great days to set up some playdates with new friends, visit museums and playgrounds in the area or just play quietly at home. Rest assured, Caroline and I are planning lots of fun activities for their days at school. Please feel free to share any creative ideas you have with us, it's one of the fun components of being a part of a coop. Children love to see their parents playing an important role in the classroom!

Have a wonderful weekend. Looking forward to Monday!

Karen and Caroline


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