Director’s Column

Looking at the hill and the playground today, it's hard to remember that in the not too distant future, we'll be playing and picnicking outside again. Which is why I love sending the June Bugs information out in February ... I can look forward to days spent outdoors exploring nature, creating messy art projects, playing in the sprinkler and mud kitchen, and eating watermelon on the hill.
For those who have not experienced June Bugs, you are in for a treat! It is a little different from the regular school year. The children are divided into two mixed age groups, the Crickets and the Dragonflies. Each group gets to spend half the day outdoors on the playground and the "Bowen Beach", and the other half indoors, in the classroom and the Big Room, which is transformed into giant dramatic play. Children come every day, from 9am-12pm. Activities are camp-like and fun, with no real "must-do's". There is singing, storytime, arts and crafts, science experiments, building and construction, and lots of space and opportunity to run and play. Past activities have included nature weaving, sno-cone making, bubble exploration, spray paint murals, solar printing, and nature scavenger hunts. We also have some special surprise visitors! Permission slips were sent home this week, and paper copies are available on top of the parent mailboxes. When signing up, please put down the names of a few friends you would like your child placed with. We spend a lot of time balancing the groups for age and gender, but we try to make sure each child has at least one special buddy in their group. We hope you will be joining us for this fun program! Best, Nina