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5-Day: February Fun with Fairy Tales and Valentines

With the beginning of the Olympics, the ice skating rink returned to 5-Day. The class watched some Olympic moments on the ice, then proceeded to twirl and spin their way around the rink.

As Valentine's Day approached, the children decorated the classroom with paper chains using an ABC color pattern. Our literacy table was extremely busy as children wrote, drew and glued a variety of designs on cards for friends and family. There was so much interest in this activity that we decided to keep it open all week. It is so exciting to see the class so engaged in reading, writing, and especially creating a special letter for someone they love.

Children were estimating as they tried to figure out how many heart gems will fit on a small, medium, or large heart shape. They also discussed how many hearts were hidden in their Playdoh, finding them, and then counting who had more. We were also busy measuring and mixing wet and dry ingredients, stirring and pouring as funfetti cupcakes were baked for Special Visitors' Day.

The art table had heart-shaped printing being designed for wrapping paper for special gifts. These gifts were given a lot of thought as the children first drew their design on paper, then transferred it to a ceramic tile with paint. Then they were painted with Mod Podge to protect these designs. Finally, each child carefully wrapped their gift made with love.

Our puppet showplace continued with different puppets each day bringing out a lot of imagination and story lines. The week ended with Special Visitors' Day, which was so much fun for 5-Day. Thank you to all who were able to come and make it truly special for the children.

Enjoy your break. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the end of February.

Cathy and Jasmine

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