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5-Day: Hippos and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Classroom Curriculum

We have been learning all about animals as the children continue bringing their favorites for Showtime this month. So far, we’ve discussed monkeys, penguins, cats, elephants, hippos, tigers, bears, pigs and peacocks! The children have especially enjoyed asking and answering questions about what the animals eat, where they live, and why they have characteristics such as stripes, trunks, and claws. We are looking forward to sharing more of their thoughts and questions with you. Another highlight of our week was creating and painting our own clay bears at the art table. We will extend this activity next week by creating bear caves. In Puddlestompers with Melissa on Monday, we learned about how many animals prepare for the winter. We played a game collecting different nuts and seeds to take to the "burrow"; we also pretended to be bats flying and then hibernating, while hanging from our feet upside down!


On Wednesday, we read a book about being thankful and talked about some of the things we love very much. The children each illustrated something they are thankful for – stop by our classroom to see our Thankful Tree! On Monday, we worked together to do something kind for others. Each year, Bowen contributes to Thanksgiving dinners for families in our community who are in need. The children loved helping mix up delicious cornbread and green bean casserole to share!

New Music Teacher, Steve

This week we had our second music session with our new teacher, Steve. Steve will be meeting with each group individually in the classroom and leading a combined session with all classes once a month in the big room. The children sang new songs, made a rhythm pattern with "laps, claps, and hands in the air", went on an animal “safari” and listened to Steve’s guitar! We had a conversation about how music class might feel a little different now and discussed the things we like about our new music experience.

Conference Follow-Up

Thank you very much for taking time to come to our 5-Day conferences! We thoroughly enjoyed meeting with each of you and are grateful for the many ways you support your child’s learning, both at home and in our classroom. We are excited to continue progressing and working towards individual and group goals in the coming months. Please know we are always happy to talk with you about your child’s school experience and appreciate the ongoing communication.

All our best to you and your families this week – Happy Thanksgiving!

Kristi and Cathy

*Apologies if your child does not appear in many pictures this week - we were disrupted with conferences, a snow day, and many children out sick or traveling for the holiday!

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