Director's Column: Spring Fever
This week, we held our last parent teacher conferences of the year. I get to read each report before it is sent home, and I am always impressed with how well the teachers know your children. I am also impressed with how much the children have grown since September! We are realizing how little time left we have left in the school year, and both teachers and children are starting to feel emotional. We have been discussing emotions in all three classrooms, and reassuring children (and ourselves!) that is is okay to feel what we are feeling, and even have mixed emotions. You may be noticing changes and regressions at home as well. Rest assured, it's totally normal! We still have a lot of fun left in our year! The New England Aquarium will be visiting next week, we have a few more days with Melissa and Priscilla, and many more days with Steve, and Coach John and Coach Brian. I know the teachers have a lot they still want to do with your children as well. Let's enjoy the next few months as spring comes to Bowen! Best, Nina