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3-Day: Welcome 3-Day! Getting Acquainted, Sharing Stories and Exploring the Color Red

We did it!! 3-Day completed our first full week of school! We're sure you picked up some very tired children on Friday! They have been learning so much about our classroom routine and have been very busy navigating their way through their new classroom. It brings us such joy to watch all the small accomplishments that happen every day. Some of the things we are working on are:

  • Hearing the sound of our classroom bell - STOP, LOOK and FREEZE so you can hear the directions

  • Finding our special spot on the meeting area

  • Lining up at our door, standing on colorful feet

  • Taking turns

  • Sharing

  • Pouring and serving, using our manners to ask for snack items

  • Cleaning up our toys

  • Walking through the halls of Bowen for a bathroom trip or all the way up to the playground

The list goes on and on. It's amazing how quickly this bunch seems to be settling in.

We started reading our very special stories this week. We ready Riya's Llama, Llama Misses Mama, Olly's Down By The Cool of the Pool and Lilly's We Don't Eat Our Classmates!

As we created engaging activities using these stories, we integrated the color RED into our table activities and discovery table. We used red paint at our easel, red manipulatives, such as duplo blocks, zoobs, and connecting pipes at Table 3. We had a red classroom scavenger hunt. We made red mushy play doh, red Ooblek, and stamped with animal stampers. On Friday, we dressed in red and we had some red snacks this week, too!!

A couple of housekeeping items:

Several children have already dipped into their spare clothing. Sometimes we get messy or wet and sometimes we have accidents. Please make sure that you continually check the items in your child's blue basket, especially with the temperatures rising and falling!

Helpful hint: Before picking up your child from the playground, it's a good idea to check their hook and blue basket for finished work, backpacks, soiled clothing, etc. That way you don't have to take your child back into the building.

As you may have noticed, pickup can be a little chaotic. As happy as your children are to play at school, they are just as happy to see you at the end of their day. We strongly encourage each child to look us in the eye and say goodbye with a high five, a handshake or a hug and it's important that we say goodbye to each child individually. Thank you for your patience as we work through this process.

Next week, we will continue our exploration of our favorite stories. You'll see lots of BLUE in our room, as we will be integrating the color into many of our activities. The children loved wearing red on Friday. Mayson and I had the children share what they were wearing. We even made up a song about it!!

We hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the beautiful weather and stop by Newtonville Day to say hello to Nina at the Bowen tent.

Karen and Mayson

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