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5-Day: The Great Apple Adventure

This week, 5-Day continued to look at apples, but, we used many different areas of the classroom to dive deeper. We began the week by following an apple pattern with red, yellow and green pompoms and finishing it. After the children were comfortable with this process, they, then, created their own unique pattern. There was a lot of thought and singing as they designed and drew. Math concepts were also employed in some of the games they played. One day, there were sensory bags with black beans in them. As the children rolled a die, they moved that number of "seeds" onto an apple picture. We heard children counting and saw great practice of their fine motor skills. There was an apple race game, which involved spinning a spinner onto an apple color. Then, placing a gem into the corresponding column.

The class investigated apples through taste. The children tasted a red, yellow and green apple, discussed which they liked best and talked about whether they were the same or different in flavor and color. After each child decided which they liked the best, we created a graph to display. Red was the most popular, with green a close second. The children looked at the parts of an apple. As they built their own with construction paper pieces, they learned about the skin, flesh, leaf, stem and seeds, which make up an apple.

The sensory table was very popular, as the class weighed apples with balance scales. Comparisons were made, as they placed apples in one container and bears or blocks in the other. It took a lot of bears to balance one apple! They also played with floating apples. They asked themselves: How many plastic people pieces will fit on top? How many cat pieces? Will it still float upside down? Can you put the apple pieces together?

One day, the class created a collaborative story called, The Great Apple Adventure! Each child contributed a part of the story, just as an author creates a story. The next day, the children illustrated pages of this story. We will add this book to our class library.

Here is the collaborative 5-Day story, The Great Apple Adventure! Read it with your child and try to figure out which idea he or she contributed to the story:

"Once upon a time, there were some apples who lived in Bowen. They wanted to go on an adventure. They left the school and, outside, saw a volcano! Then, they saw a peregrine falcon! Suddenly, the apples fell off the tree. A big rock came in, rolled over the apples, and smooshed them. There was a pillow fight. Next, the apples kept walking and saw a tiger! Suddenly, there was a lion fight! Then, they saw a playground. A huge dinosaur walked into the playground and a triceratops appeared! They all had an apple pillow fight. The feathers flew everywhere! 'Oh no! It's getting late! We need to get back to Bowen.' When getting into bed, they took their pillows. There was a storm at Bowen. 'Whoa! What an adventure we had!'"

The End

Cathy and Caroline

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