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3-Day: I See Me!

This week in 3-Day we started a new unit, All About Me. We certainly know how much these children love themselves and love to talk about themselves! We had some wonderful conversations this week and we learned a lot about ourselves and our 3-Day friends.

On Monday we read a story called, Eyes, Ears Nose and Mouth. We started at the top of our head and named all the parts of us, down to our wiggly toes! We learned a new song called "My Face" (sung to The Wheels on the Bus):

The eyes on my face, they help me see

help me see, help me see.

The eyes on my face, they help me see

the wonderful world around me.

The mouth on my face, it helps me taste

helps me taste, helps me taste.

The mouth on my face, it helps me taste

the wonderful world around me.

The nose on my face, it helps me smell

helps me smell, helps me smell.

The nose on my face, it helps me smell

the wonderful world around me.

The ears on my face, they help me hear

help me hear, help me hear.

The ears on my face, they help me hear

the wonderful world around me.

3-Day friends enjoyed sifting and digging through our confetti rice in the discovery table, finding their own hidden photos. We were so impressed by how many children recognized their names or a name very similar to theirs, as they were digging for theirs. Mayson and I heard lots of fun chatter, such as: "I made a match with me and my name!" "Help, find me!! I'm missing!!" "Is this my name?". It was such a hit that we added some additional treasures in the rice and the children kept seaching and matching!

Melissa from Puddlestompers visited us on Monday and we learned about nocturnal animals, as we pretended we were owls and hunted little field mice. The children loved putting all our pretend mice on the big parachute and hiding underneath!

We started a multistep, multi-sensory art activity, creating ourselves. On Monday, we talked about how we are all very different and we focused on our skin. After careful explanation and using our hands to compare the paint options, children chose the one that was "just right". You'll be humored by the colors they chose! That's what is special about the art; it's in the eyes of the artists here, not necessarily the beholder! On Wednesday, we moved forward adding eyes. We explained the different parts of the eye and we used mirrors to look at the color of our iris. We used construction paper for the whites of our eyes as well as a variety of colors and we added a tiny black pupil. We also added noses and mouths on Wednesday and introduced proper use of scissors on Friday, in anticipation of trimming our yarn hair next week. We are aware that scissor use is an exciting "big kid" skill. We will go over all the important scissor rules; most importantly, we NEVER cut our real hair or anyone else's!! This is also a good time to go over scissor rules at home. Scissor skills will develop over the course of the year through table activities and individual lessons. Our self portraits are coming out really cute!!

Throughout the week, we read many stories and had lots of meaningful conversations about ourselves. Next week, we will look at our five senses!

Mayson and I wanted to personally thank all the parents of Bowen for reaching such an amazing goal at the Fall Fête. We both had so much fun and enjoyed socializing with many of you. We are so excited about our new 3-Day kitchen and all the items on our wish list. Rest assured, all the new items will be loved in our classroom.

I am looking forward to meeting with all of you on Wednesday to tell you how amazing your children are. Have a great long weekend!

Karen and Mayson

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